To quote that most famousest of hobbits, Bilbo Baggins: I’M GOING ON AN ADVENTURE!
And I’d like you to join me ;)
To wit, I speak of paid subscriptions, which are coming soon! This post is a reminder that I’ll be adding them, and currently it’s set to begin in May.
For $5 a month, paid subscribers will receive:
On the 5th, one recipe recreated from my Ransom: Shadow of an Empire trilogy.
Anyone who tests them can help me with fine-tuning and deciding whether to publish them in a volume!
Once or twice each month, you’ll receive a short story, poem, or a chapter of a novel I’m currently working on.
On the 25th, one post in which you can follow along as I make a fashion creation of your choosing!
I’ll have a three-part poll on the first day of each month, on choosing the genre of historical, fictional, or artistical; a narrowing down of decade, fictional work, or artwork; and finally, the specific piece and whether to make it as identical as possible or to make a more wearable version.
Bi-Weekly (or weekly, as the schedule works out):
Every other Saturday, there will be an audio chapter of Ransom (there’s over sixty, so it’s going to last a while!)
Besides this, you’ll receive full access to the archives, and naturally, the free articles.
Please note: this all means that free articles will be limited to the 5th and 15th, and these may be more often written by guest authors, as the paid content may keep me busy.
The schedule may explode - well, that’s what autocorrect told me when I tried to say that the schedule may evolve, as I find what works best.
If any of you are interested in becoming a paid subscriber, please consider making a pledge. This will help me ascertain whether I can begin earlier than May.
Further, I’d like to invite you to submit any questions you may have or topics you’d like me to cover, and I’ll do my best to answer them in future articles or, if it’s a shorter answer, under the notes tab. To submit any ideas, simply reply to a Windflower email or comment below.
And now, a word from our sponsor. . . .
“If you meows a pledge, maybe she’ll pay the cheese tax with something other than icky mozzarella!”
Hmm, well. . .
As I was saying. Battle stations! We have swords of fiction to sharpen and fields of fabric to conquer!
So. . . where are we going?